Sharpei-More-Less or About the Same?

Shar-Pei or Chow Chow?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Chow Chows 45-70 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Border Collie?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Border Collies 30-55 pounds (male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Labrador Retriever?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Retrievers (Labrador) 65-80 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Samoyed?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Samoyeds 45-65 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or German Shorthaired Pointer?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Pointers (German Shorthaired) 55-70 pounds(male) AKC


Shar Pei or Boxer?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Boxers 65-80 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Australian Shepherd?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Australian Shepherds 50-65 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Irish Setter?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Setters (Irish) 60-70 pounds (male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Basset Hound?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Basset Hounds 40-65 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Shiba Inu?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Shiba Inu 17-23 pounds (male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Dalmatian?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Dalmatians 45-70 pounds(male) AKC

Shar-Pei or Husky?

Correct! Wrong!

Chinese Shar-Pei 45-60 pounds (male) AKC
Siberian Huskies 45-60 pounds(male) AKC

Sharpei-More-Less or About the Same?
OUCH...not so good...but this was NOT easy!

About 50% Correct-but that's not bad on this quiz!

Very Nice Job! Great-this is tough!

EXCELLENT JOB! You are one of the few-a true SHAR-PEI TOP DOG!

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