Identify the Shiba Inu Dog Breed!

Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!


Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Kai Ken

Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!


Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

YES-Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!


Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!


Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

YES-Shiba Inu

Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Sable Siberian Husky

Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!


Shiba Inu or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

YES-Shiba Inu

Identify the Shiba Inu Dog Breed!
Sorry, you just failed out of Shiba Inu class...

Around 50% Correct-You can do better than that!

Good Job-You got MOST of them...Almost at the TOP!

EXCELLENT JOB! You are a Shiba Inu TOP DOG!

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