Your medicine cabinet...
How important is hand sanitizer to you?
When you go the the doctor for a check-up...
You have caught the flu...
When you take a shower...
Your favorite web site is
You have a pain in your arm that lasts a few days...
Somebody sneezes next to you in a public place.
When a friend asks "How are You?"
The door handle in a public restroom...
Are you a Hypochondriac?
You have all of the characteristics of a Hypochondriac
You must have a great relationship with your doctor since you're probably in there every week with a new ailment. But hey, it's better to be safe than sorry, right? Just make sure you're not causing unnecessary stress in your life by constantly worrying about your health. Take a deep breath, relax, and try to enjoy life without constantly checking your pulse!
You have moderate-normal concern about your health
You about right where you should be...looks like we've got a level-headed individual here! You are not a hypochondriac, my friend. You understand the importance of taking care of your health but don't go overboard with it. You don't sweat the small stuff and don't let every little ache and pain send you into a spiral of worry.
You are Free and Easy - Not a Hypochondriac - Maybe you should pay a little more attention you your health!
Maybe it's time to start paying attention to your body and taking care of it a bit more. After all, you only get one, and it's not like you can trade it in for a newer model.