The Most Immature Quiz Ever Made

The burning butt ghost pepper fart...

Going for a slow ride-the sputtering moped fart...

The classic-the Mons Lisa of all farts...

When no weapon is in sight-the ultimate self defense fart...


Hard boiled eggs, peanuts and beer...the super stank fart....

There's a scuba diver in the bathtub fart...

When you can't run away-fart with a tail....

After all the air is gone...time for a shower fart...

Hiding the fart...the "I don't fart" fart....

That was a good bowl of chili-satisfying bean fart...

Turn up the bass-low and slow fart...

Granny in the grocery store and thinks no one is around fart...

The Most Immature Quiz Ever Made
VIP MEMBER! Wow-You take the immature and childish...WELCOME TO THE CLUB!

a VIP member of the immaturity club! Congratulations, you take the cake for being the most immature person around. According to our highly scientific quiz, you not only laugh at farts but anything that remotely sounds like one. And let's be real, who doesn't find farts hilarious? You're just living your best life and embracing your inner child. So, welcome to the club! We're glad to have you as a member. Just don't forget to bring your whoopee cushion to the next meeting. Keep on laughing and being your immature self
Aren't you a little immature and childish...WE LOVE IT! You are Almost a VIP MEMBER...

Look who we have here - a budding immature enthusiast! According to our highly scientific quiz, you may try to hide it sometimes, but you love to laugh at farts. And hey, who can blame you? Farts are just nature's way of making us giggle. You're not quite a VIP member of the immaturity club yet, but you're well on your way. Embrace your inner child and let those fart jokes fly - life's too short to take everything seriously. Just don't forget to bring some air freshener along for the ride.
Maybe you had a smirk or two but this was so childish and immature! Gee Whiz-who laughs at this stuff?

According to "The Most Immature Quiz Ever Made," you have been deemed immature but with a twist. You hide it so well that people think you're a responsible adult, but deep down, you're still giggling at farts. It's okay, we won't judge you.
This was just not funny...really stupid and childish...farts are just NOT funny! REALLY IMMATURE...

Look who took "The Most Immature Quiz Ever Made" and came out as the epitome of maturity. You are so sophisticated that even the mere mention of the word "fart" doesn't even make you flinch. You look down on anyone who so much as cracks a smile at a bodily function joke, and you probably roll your eyes when someone giggles at a cartoon character slipping on a banana peel. We get it, you're too refined for that kind of humor. But hey, who says you can't let loose and have a little fun once in a while? Maybe next time someone lets one rip in public, instead of scowling in disgust, you can take a deep breath and laugh it off.

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