Identify the Boerboel Puppies!

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Leonberger Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Great Dane Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

YES-Boerboel Puppy!

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Bullmastiff Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Fila Brasario Puppies

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Bloodhound Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Image:Sandra Mason
Correct! Wrong!

YES-Boerboel Puppy!

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

YES-Boerboel Puppy!

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Boxer Dog Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Cane Corso Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy

Boerboel Puppy or Not?

Correct! Wrong!

NO-Tibetan Mastiff

Identify the Boerboel Puppies!
Sorry but you just failed Boerboel Puppy ID class....

About 50% Correct...You can do BETTER!

Nice Job! You got MOST of them-almost at the TOP!


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